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Readable Dockerfile and Compact Images

Call me lazy; I don't like doing the same thing over and over when it comes to writing code; same for Dockerfiles as well.

I have been following various formula that I gathered from various sources; primarily from this post of Dave Beckett's. After a while, I thought I will put them together into a script that can easily be consumed from my Dockerfiles.

Here is the outcome; have a look at my github repo codemedic/debian-docker-build-tools. The README has an example that will help you how to use it.

The scheme used here has two main intentions;

  1. use backend agnostic primitives (function names) to perform package related tasks, and
  2. provide backend specific auto-cleanup to remove package manager artefacts.

This paves way to the possibility of using a different (non-debian, say alpine or centos) base image with a different version of these scripts, in a generic and more readable fashion; and it will tidy up after itself, leading to smaller images.


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